The Centre of Complex Dental Medicine
Our Centre has been created to cater for the various needs of our Patients in the field of dental medicine. We are here to fulfil the expectations of everyone who cares and feels responsible for personal health and the health of those held dear - your orthodontist Lublin. Our help is directed towards those clients who have refined needs and who pay great attention to having a wonderful smile and a desired aesthetic effect. Welcome to our Centre, Dr Małgorzata Majewska-Paradowska, and the team – Your dentist Lublin!
Our centre is fully prepared to help your children. We would like the dental treatment at Aldent S.C. in Lublin to be fun and to be remembered positively. Therefore, the first contact with the doctor is an adaptive visit that aims at making the child familiar with the place.
Gabinet dentystyczny Lublin
Numer konta: Credit Agricole
13 1940 1076 5266 6001 0000 0000
Gabinet dentystyczny LSM Zana
Lublin - LSM (Metropolitan Park)
ul. Pana Balcera 6 lok. 1A, 20 - 631 Lublin
Poniedziałek - Piątek: 9:00 - 20:00
Sobota: 9:00 - 14:00
tel. +48 81 307 62 62
tel. +48 502 644 342
Gabinet dentystyczny Węglin
Lublin - Węglin - Kraśnicka
ul. Konopnica 85 E , 21 - 030 Motycz
Poniedziałek - Piątek: 9:00 - 20:00
Sobota: 9:00 - 14:00
tel. +48 81 473 71 71
tel. +48 502 644 342
Gabinet dentystyczny Sławin
Lublin - Sławin
ul. Willowa 1 lok. 4, 20-819 Lublin
Poniedziałek - Piątek: 9:00 - 20:00
Sobota: 9:00 - 14:00
tel. +48 81 71 888 00
tel. +48 502 644 342